" Saturated Fatty Acid In Vegetable Oils - They Behave Like Animals Fats And Cholesterol"

Similarities between Vegetable Oil and Animal Fats

Dothealth Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils

When corn oils is being heated no more than 15 minutes, and then fed to animals, it actually enhances rather increases atherosclerosis. Furthermore, when a polyunsaturated oil is heated, the oil forms a polymer.

Furthermore when poly saturated oil is heated, as observed the oil forms a polymer, which is the same chemical formula connected into a long chain, which turn the oil into varnish. Animals that were fed such heated fats were found stuck to their cage floor by their varnish feces. Some suffered total intestinal obstruction.

According to Dr. Rosendvoldt of Hope, Idaho, Saturated Fatty Acid In vegetables oil behaves like the animal fats. The fats were originally unsaturated essential fats, but when Saturated Fatty Acid they lost their unsaturated essential qualities. Accordingly, the common solid cooking fats of vegetable origin may be almost as detrimental to the welfare of our arteries as the known animal fats. Even the jar of butter of peanut butter is now filled with Saturated Fatty Acid in peanut butter.

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