Do You Know That Some Synthetic Vitamins Are Toxic?
Beware of Synthetic Vitamins It Might Cause Your Life!
Is has been proven that majority of the synthetic vitamins are more toxic than the natural ones according to the book Vitamin and Mineral Therapy by both scientist Dubin and Funk. It has been discovered that only those type of medicines such as Vitamin D and producing it artificially will give us only toxic effects that will endanger our health. Naturally with in the case of sugars, levulose and dextrose which both of them are non-toxic might be on the safe side. Deaths have occurred thru ordinary dosages used to protect children from the disease rickets.
Which in the other case the synthetic face of lactic acid was prescribed to some babies to modify their resulted to death. Based Dr. Wheld findings he stated that dextrolactic acid, the right glucose of milk, as a food, where the levolactic acid is a poison. He stated that the decision of the mothers is to engage only the natural dextrolactic acid for milk modification. It observed that a food is composed molecules and other which is being exposed scientific modification may refer to the loosen nuts and bolts of a machinery part which quite as we understand is dangerous as it loosen up its original structure.
Artificial and synthetic foods are too far away compared to natural foods in a molecular perspective. Any changes it those part is already far from its main function as a medicine of food in terms of its effectiveness. Possible unknown elements are already been stripped from original and natural form.
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