Best Tips of Healing Prostate Disorders- Make it Habit for Surely Prostate Diseases Free
Healing a Prostate problem
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WALKING- this is the possible exercise for keeping your prostate gland in good condition. One to two hours is not to much.
Pumpkin seeds- is good for prostate, it has a ZINC and essential fatty content which promote for longevity. In Southern Europe their are a tribes that uses these variety of squash which is proven that their man has no prostate issues. This fact was traced to their habit of eating pumpkin seeds all day long.
Sitz Bath- The most common hydrotherapy technique used in the treatment of BPH(Enlarges Prostate). This method can also be done by alternating water hot and cold which increases the pelvic circulation and tones up the muscle in the region. Very effective if you added CHAMMOMILE TEA in the water.
Parsley- this is the foremost recommended diuretic herb when your urination is much painful and incomplete due to the enlargement of prostate squeezing tightly that urination is difficult. There is a one case, a man suffered of severe pain due to ENLARGEMENT OF PROSTATE and finally complete stopping of urine. He could not urinate without a tube because of the inflammation of his prostate. Doctor said to him that he could not undergo an operation due to his diabetes. He was advised to take PARSLEY TEA. After drinking the tea he could urinate freely, for his blood sugar drop to normal and avoided an operation. The SAW PALMETTO BERRY- acts directly on the prostate which reduces the inflammation and pain. It increases the bladders ability to contract and expel it's contents. It's extract has about 3 time much more effective that the drug PROSCAR. For helping to prevent prostate enlargement such as poor urinary stream, urinary retention and nightmare urination. It has no toxic where as proscar causes IMPOTENCE, decrease LIBIDO and could possible have birth defects in male children.
KELP- ingestion on daily basis gradually reduces prostate in older men to the point that urination is become painless. This may be achieved due to it's general cleansing effect in the bloodstream, it's antibiotic properties and the essential elements is supplies.
LAW FAT DIET- can also lower the risk of prostatic cancer.
CORNSILK- acts like a parsley. The substance that act like a principle is gum-like, but contains a lot of very helpful substances such as fatty acids, menthol, glycosides, thymol, saponins, steroids, vitamin C and K etc. It also reduces the swelling and painful symtomps of prostate due to the infection.
RAW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES and SEEDS- There a variety of vegetable and fruit which help to prevent and surely can cure prostate like pumpkin, squash, sunflower, almonds and sesame seed. They all highly contain of proteins, unsaturated fatty acid and zinc. There are also folk remedies have suggested pumpkin juice, grapes juice and lemon juice. A GARLIC DIET is also been found helpful due to it's mineral and chemical. It contains a sulfur which has have the power ti eliminate germs and infection.
BEE POLLEN- Bee pollen is believed contain hormones beneficial to the prostate. It does not kill bacteria, but helps to strengthen the prostate ability to fight infection. It is been called the elixir of perpetual of young men.
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